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  • Writer's pictureAubrie Kavanaugh

No Kill in Motion: What's in a Live Release Rate?

We had a discussion recently about Live Release Rates as one of our panel discussions. How important are they? How are they used against shelter reform and by some bad actors? Do they mean the same thing during the pandemic when shelters may be tasked with helping the animals most in need? This discussion includes Davyd Smith of No Kill Colorado, Alan Rosenberg of the NJ Animal Observer and Aubrie Kavanaugh of Paws4Change.

"Ordinary Moment" courtesy of Fisher.

The statistics referenced by Alan in our discussion are outlined below:

Lake County Animal Shelter significantly improved for both dogs and cats. KC Pet Project and Pima Animal Care had mixed results.

Key Point: Shelters with strong no kill cultures do as good or even better (LCAS) in the lower intake COVID-19 world.

Lake County Animal Shelter - April to June 2020 Vs. April to June 2019 Dog Intake: -41%, Dog LRR: +0.62% ( 99.28% vs 98.66%) Cat Intake: -34%; Cat LRR: +4.20% ( 92.1% vs 87.9%)

KC Pet Project - April to June 2020 Vs. April to June 2019 Dog Intake: -40% Dog LRR: +0.4% 2020: 90.7%; 2019: 90.3%; Cat Intake: -38% Cat LRR: -5.1% 2020: 86.6%; 2019: 91.7%;

Pima Animal Care: May to June 2020 vs May to June 2019 Intake: Dogs: -42%; LRR: Dogs: -0.8% 2020: 92.3%; 2019: 93.1% Cat Intake: -69% LRR Cats: +1.6% 2020: 84.1% 2019: 82.5%;


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