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  • Writer's pictureDavyd Smith

Basic TNR (Trap, Neuter, Return)

Community cats are a common sight in many neighborhoods, but they often face an uncertain future. These cats are often unowned and left to fend for themselves, leading to overpopulation and health issues. That's where TNR comes in - trap-neuter-return programs have been shown to be effective in controlling the population of community cats while also improving their health.

Image showing three cats in stylized artwork.  Cat's Like Work of Art

Basic TNR (Trap, Neuter, Return)

TNR involves trapping community cats, spaying or neutering them, and then returning them to their outdoor homes. This approach is more humane than simply killing the cats, and it also has benefits for the cats themselves. Neutered cats are less likely to roam and fight, reducing the spread of diseases and injuries. They also have longer lifespans and are less likely to develop certain health problems.

Yes it works

But does TNR actually work? The evidence says yes. In many communities, TNR programs have been successful in reducing the number of community cats. For example, in San Diego, a TNR program led to a 30% decrease in the number of cats admitted to animal shelters over a five-year period. In Chicago, a TNR program resulted in a 60% reduction in the number of cats killed by the city's animal control department.

Kitten on teh street.  Words say Trap, Neuter Return is the most effective strategy for controlling community cat populations

Better Communities

TNR programs also have benefits for the community as a whole. By reducing the

number of community cats, TNR can help to reduce nuisance behaviors like yowling and fighting. It can also reduce the number of cats hit by cars or killed by other animals, making neighborhoods safer for both cats and humans.

TNR advocates have proved that outdoor colonies can be a safe and healthy environment for cats, especially if they are provided with food, water, and shelter.

Let's Make It A Better World for Them and Us

Overall, TNR is an important tool for managing the population of community cats. By reducing the number of cats on the streets, TNR can improve the health and wellbeing of these animals while also benefiting the community as a whole. It's time for more communities to embrace TNR and give community cats the chance to live happy, healthy lives.


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